I haven't actually used them on the floor yet, but I did use them when steam cleaning my storm door glass and windows. I'm not very good with a squeegee—I was leaving tracks of water on the glass, so I grabbed one of these cloths rather than run to the kitchen for a paper towel. Oh my goodness. It was like a revelation! Not only did the cloth immediately soak up the water completely, it also also left no streaks. None.This gave me an idea. The top surface of my gas stove is *impossible* to clean to a streak-free shine. Worse than any glass- or ceramic-top stove, you guys. No matter what cleaning solution or method I've used, I'm left with streaks that I cannot buff away. So I tried one of these microfiber cloths. I cleaned the stove top as normal with hot soapy water and then rinsed with a clean wet cloth. Instead of the next usual steps of drying the stove top and then spritzing with glass cleaner or vinegar and buffing with a paper towel, I skipped right to buffing with a clean, dry microfiber cloth. Again! A miracle! No streaks whatsoever. I cannot tell you how much it bothers me to walk past that stove and see the light reflecting off the stovetop to show streaks under the grates, so I can't fully explain how overjoyed I am to now have a beautiful streak-free finish. And a faster, easier cleaning process to boot? Excellent.I gave my mom one of each color of these cloths. I plan to buy another full set to split between us. I recommend you get some, too. And at the current price of just over a dollar each cloth, you should have no hesitation.